Insane (But True) Optimism for CRPS Spirits

Not everyone can appreciate a sarcastic sense of humor.

boardwalk empire sarcasm sarcastic steve buscemi fascinating
But seriously, please go on. I’m riveted. Source:

And for whatever reason, this dry sense of humor usually comes with a warning.

So this is yours.

You’ve been warned. Source:

Please be advised that the blog post, How My CRPS Pain Plot Twist Changed My Life, is almost like taking a dig at someone without technically doing so.

Humor at someone’s expense—the expense of people living with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS).

People who live with pain that:

  • Is intense and burning
  • Gets worse, rather than better over time
  • Begins at the point of injury, but may spread to the whole limb, or to the arm or leg on the opposite side of the body

This author has some gall!

But the twist here is that the blog author, who lives with CRPS, is actually poking fun at herself—just a little. She spins humor through some very poignant truths. Observe:

”I am a very positive person (some may call Pollyanna optimism), but I told her briefly about the disease and then immediately (and even a little involuntarily) went into how it has changed my life for the better.”

A dry sense of humor may lead to questions or uncertainty. Maybe a sliver of doubt that the jokes are actually funny. Maybe some people are too serious. Maybe some get easily offended or judge others on autopilot.

Or perhaps maybe… Some peeps could benefit from “lightening up” and taking a more cheerful approach to life.

happy smile smiling kanye west kanye
Like Kanye for example. He’s a cheery fellow! Source:

Life can be hard. Something goes unexpectedly wrong; it almost always does:

  • Plans get interrupted
  • Someone lets us down
  • Tech devices stops working

Tragedy strikes!

But afterwards, when the dust has settled, we laugh. If it’s funny later, it could be funny now. Just maybe. I promise.

When we feel ourselves getting sucked into meltdown mode, let’s imagine ourselves telling this story to a good friend in a year’s time.

Are we laughing about it?

If so, then allow yourself to channel that hilarity into the present moment.

Gilmore Girls netflix season 4 lol episode 1
Let it be funny now! Let’s rock our “Pollyanna optimism”! Source: