Inspiring Current of Change for SMA Community

Inspiration is everywhere—from the words of your favorite writer to the blooms and leaves on your morning walk. You just need to open your eyes, and breathe it in. Sometimes, inspiration just happens. When you’re least expecting it, you see something, hear something, or experience something that moves you deeply.

That’s the purest kind of inspiration and, when it strikes, you might find yourself in a similar situation as Carl Rooney, the motivated young runner who is raising awareness and funds for spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). To read more about SMA and Carl’s charity support, as reported in the U.K.’s Cambridge News, click here.

Some days–especially when I read an article about spinal muscular atrophy, I look up from my desk and wonder… What inspires people?

If you were to ask me what inspires me the most in life, then the answer is simple: PEOPLE.

People like you and me but completely different from either of us.

People who try to live the best life they can with the situations and mindsets they are given.

People who seek only to be happy, understood, and loved.

But these people also have the potential to change the world.

People like Carl who use every step—every mile—and every dollar they raise to create a current of change for the SMA community.

It should come as no surprise that the best ideas, the most creative concepts, and the most positive results come from people who are inspired to give their all to whatever task is before them.

When you’re inspired to do great things, great things usually happen!