Better Than a Crystal Ball: This New Genetic Test Can Predict Familial Hypercholesterolemia

Acute diagnosis is the Holy Grail for all illnesses and conditions. But what if you could predict the likelihood that you would develop a deadly disease and take steps to prevent its destructive effect.

For a while now, a genetic testing company called Color has provided screening for breast, ovarian, colorectal, and prostate cancer, but recently a new test for familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) has been added to their offerings. This is big news for people who may be predisposed to this life-threatening disease.

According to the Familial Hypercholesterolemia Foundation (FHF), this condition is “an inherited disorder that leads to aggressive and premature cardiovascular disease. This includes problems like heart attacks, strokes, and even narrowing of our heart valves.” Diet and lifestyle changes can help, but people with FH suffer from a genetic mutation that prohibits the liver from processing LDL (aka “bad”) cholesterol. Unable to metabolize this toxic stuff, the heart becomes susceptible to premature cardiovascular disease and heart attack.

About 1.3 million people in the U.S. have FH; however, most of them don’t know it. As many as 90 percent of those with this condition have not been properly diagnosed, according to FHF.

Gaining insight into your predisposition for FH will set you back approximately $250 (less if you have already bought other Color tests). But it could be money well spent if it provides you with an opportunity to begin taking measures to lower LDL through medication and lifestyle changes.