Engaged Couple Uses Wedding As Fundraiser For Charity

Tiffany and Caleb isn’t your typical engaged couple. They are passionately in love and excited for their wedding, but their romance could literally end any moment. NBC 5 Chicago reported that Caleb suffers from cystic fibrosis. While his life expectancy was originally 19-years-old, he continues to beat the odds and now looks to see the day when he gets to marry his true love.
Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease that alters lung and digestive function. It can be extremely life-threatening. To read more about it, click here.

Still, Caleb doesn’t let his disease slow him down from pursuing what he wants. Tiffany and Caleb’s relationship continues to be far from normal. They met and their relationship quickly flourished because conversation was far from surface level questions like, “favorite color?” Instead, they talked about life and death. They quickly grew an attachment to one another, and now they’re taking their amazing relationship to new heights, and deciding to use their situation for good.

Rather than having a traditional wedding, they decided to hold a huge, open to public, gala in hopes to raise money for 5 different organizations they feel have had a huge impact on their personal lives. They ask that attendees don’t bring gifts, but attend the event in hopes to help grow organizations that fight for low income families, education, research, rare disease and positive mental health. They have deemed their wedding the “Greatest Wedding Ever Donated”.

Tiffany grew up in a lower income family and was subject to sexual assault very young, and due to amazing communities and organizations to aid individuals with those experiences, she is here today and about marry her true love. She attributes her success to those individuals who helped her when she desperately needed it. Now, even though the couple still deals with their own stresses, they want to give back and make a difference. Their goal is to raise $500,000 and they are already well on their way.

Help this couple reach this goal by clicking here!