Editor’s Choice: Wear Green For St. Patrick’s Day… And Medical Cannabis Trials

Happy St. Paddy’s everybody!

While most people are putting on their green clothing to celebrate the holiday, some communities of rare patients have other exciting happenings in mind. This week, we have not one, but two stories of medical cannabis treatment advances, an article about Pompe disease, and a Boston AI company who could make a big difference for undiagnosed patients.

Sit back and enjoy this week’s Editor’s Choice.

A New Cannabis Treatment Is In Trial For Tourette Syndrome

Australia take strides towards testing out the potential of cannabis derived treatments for Tourette syndrome management.

Check it out here.

A Unique Experimental Treatment Just Got Orphan Drug Designation for Huntington’s Disease

The US has also started getting on board the medical cannaboidal treatment train, and the FDA has granted this Huntington’s drug the Orphan Drug Designation to speed up the process.

Read more about it here.

Boston Company Uses AI Technology to Speed Up Diagnosis Times

There are so many undiagnosed patients, but this company has a plan to speed up the diagnosis delay.

Check it out here.

Knowing is Half The Battle When It Comes To Treating Pompe Disease

Enzyme replacement therapy can help Pompe treatments, but the best results come when the disease is diagnosed early.

Read about it here.

Do you have a rare disease experience of your own? Share with us here.