Editor’s Choice: Investigating Anxiety and Invisible Pain with Rare Disease

Happy End-of-July!

As the week comes to a close, we want to spotlight four articles. We have an honest piece from PW contributor, Tom Seaman. Next, we investigate the root of anxiety disorders in EDS patients and then share updates on a scleroderma test and cancer treatment news.

Sit back and enjoy this week’s Editor’s Choice.

The Real Impact of Pain That People Cannot See

PW Contributor Tom talks about pain and the struggles of living with an invisible illness that many others can’t understand.

Check out his take here.

Why Exactly do Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Patients have Anxiety Disorders?

We know that EDS patients have WAY higher rates of anxiety than the general population. But does anyone understand why?

Read about it here.

Study Finds that Prognosis for Systemic Sclerosis can be Predicted with this Simple Test

Understanding the future of a scleroderma diagnosis may become easier.

Read about it here.

Chemo “Bath” is Helping Fight Cancers of the Abdomen and Internal Organs

Researchers are innovating new options for cancer patients.

Check out the story here.

We hope you enjoy this week’s Editor’s Choice posts! Don’t forget to share!

Do you have a rare disease experience of your own? Share with us here.