August is Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month!

Let’s take a moment during these dog days of summer to recognize the SMA community during SMA awareness month!

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a rare genetic disorder that causes mild to severe muscle weakness and degeneration. It robs people of physical strength by affecting the motor nerve cells in the spinal cord, taking away the ability to walk, eat, or breathe.

It is the number one genetic cause of death for infants.

To read more about SMA, including symptoms, causes, and resources – click here. 


Here are some opportunities to honor awareness month, courtesy of Cure SMA.

Social Media Outreach

  • Update your Facebook or Twitter profile picture to show support for SMA Awareness Month. You can also share facts and stats about SMA, and tell your friends why SMA Awareness Month is important to you.
  • During the month of August, share on Cure SMA’s social media photos of what SMA awareness means to you. It could be a photo of the person who inspires you to raise awareness. It could be a photo taken during an event or activity for SMA Awareness Month. Whatever sparks your creativity!
  • Use the #cureSMA hashtag!

Local Government Awareness

Reach out to your state and/or local government to make a proclamation for SMA Awareness Month. If your state or city issues one, send a copy to [email protected] !

Baseball Awareness Games

Check out MLB games below, where members come together to wear purple, orange, or a favorite Cure SMA shirt to help spread awareness at the ballpark!

August 20, 2018 – Boston Red Sox

August 24, 2018 – Arizona Diamondbacks

August 26, 2018 – New Hampshire Fisher Cats

August 26, 2018 – Tampa Bay Rays

And click here for more tools and resources!

How are you supporting SMA Awareness Month? Share your stories, thoughts, and hopes with the Patient Worthy community!