According to a story from, the biotechnology company Innate Pharma SA recently announced the latest data from a Phase 1 clinical trial of the company’s investigational medical product IPH4102. The drug was tested as a treatment for Sézary disease, a type of cutaneous lymphoma. The company also plans to initiate Phase 2 trials with the drug in other types of T-cell lymphoma as well. The company is dedicated to the development of therapeutic antibodies to treat cancer.
About Sézary Disease
Sézary disease, also known as Sézary syndrome, is a type of T-cell cutaneous lymphoma. It is an incredibly rare disease that has yet to be studied extensively. The cause of Sézary disease still remains a mystery. The most prominent symptom of the disease is a bright red skin rash, or erythroderma. Other symptoms include swelling of the lymph nodes, spleen, and liver, abnormal thickening of the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet, and abnormal T-cells in the peripheral blood. Skin lesions that do not heal are another common symptom. Treatment for the disease is limited in effectiveness, but may include chemotherapy, photodynamic therapy, biologic therapy, and radiation. Men are more likely to get Sézary disease than women. To learn more about Sézary disease, click here.
Clinical Trial Data
The findings suggest that IPH4102 could be an effective therapy for patients with refractory Sézary disease. The study included a total of 35 patients with the illness, and treatment with the experimental drug produced an overall response rate of 42.9 percent, a median duration of response of 13.8 months, and median progression free survival of 16.8 months. The response rate was better in patients that did not display any sign of large cell transformation.
Development Next Steps
The upcoming Phase 2 study should further display the effectiveness of IPH4102. Patients with treatment resistant Sézary disease have limited options for therapy and there are also serious issues with toxicity in many of the current approaches. IPH4102 has the potential to provide a safe and effective new option for these patients. This experimental therapy has been granted orphan drug status in both the US and EU.