Tiffany Senter’s Cystic Fibrosis Story: Gaining Strength from Idol Marilyn Monroe

Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a rare condition that causes mucus to build up in the lungs and the digestive system. It results in chronic lung infections, lung inflammation, and respiratory failure. Most patients do not live past their 30s.

In the United Kingdom, there are approximately 10,400 people diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. Tiffany Senter is one of these individuals. This is her story.

Tiffany Senter’s Story

Tiffany Senter was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis when she was just seven days old. Her parents were told they shouldn’t take her home from the hospital as she would be dead within two weeks. 25 years and two lung transplants later, Tiffany has already defied the odds.

As a child she actually managed the disease quite well. But at 10 years old she began requiring hospital treatments once a year. These included physical therapy and intense regimes of antibiotics. She would be admitted for three weeks at a time. By the age of 14 she was being admitted three times every year.

To minimize her risk of germ exposure she was forced to stop attending school. But even with precautions and treatment she was told she needed a double lung transplant at age 16. At 17 she had the procedure. Unfortunately, four years after this transplant her body rejected the lungs.

She was scheduled for a second transplant at age 23. Doctors told her if her body rejected the lungs this time, there would be practically nothing more they could do.

Tiffany is 25 now and sadly, these new lungs are already only functioning at 60%. She is currently taking 70 pills every day to try to help her lungs survive.

Despite her prognosis, she’s staying strong. She says she’s beat the odds before, living past the two weeks of life doctors said she would live. She’s determined to fight this latest prediction as well.

Inspiration from Marilyn

How is Tiffany able to stay so positive? She says she’s gained a lot of strength from Marilyn Monroe, one of her biggest idols. Marilyn is an icon known for accepting her flaws and embracing her natural beauty. Tiffany says though her CF diagnosis has brought her “flaws”, scars, and hardships, learning more about Marilyn’s story has helped her gain confidence and accept the position she’s in.

Tiffany loves to do her hair and makeup like Marilyn Monroe to pass the time in the hospital. She explains that it started as a hobby because she loved makeup, but the more she learned about Marilyn as a person the more she was inspired by her.

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