Patient Worthy’s partner the MDS Foundation is hosting a MDS Patient & Family/Caregiver Forum Baltimore, Maryland in conjunction with the University of Maryland Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Cancer Center.
This FREE Event is sponsored by: The MDS Foundation, Inc.
Saturday, June 22, 2019, 9:00am – 2:30pm
Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel
300 S Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Severn Room (Second Floor)
Maria Baer, MD; Vu Duong, MD and Nancy Corbitt, BSN, RN, OCN, CRNI University of Maryland Greenebaum Cancer Center
Event Summary:
Whether you are a newly diagnosed patient, a long-term survivor, or a caregiver this event will give you the opportunity to learn from experts about treatment therapies and strategies for patients and caregivers LIVING with MDS.
Topics to be covered:
➢ Defining MDS
➢ Treatment Options, Bone Marrow Transplant & Clinical Trials
➢ Patient & Caregiver Discussions
➢ Quality of Life and Quick Tips for Patients and Caregivers
Registration is required: For more information and to register, please contact: Janice Butchko at 1-800-637-0839 Ext. 212 or [email protected]. Register online at: