Girl Donates Bone Marrow to Help Her Little Brother with Severe Combined Immunodeficiency

According to a story from Express Digest, four year old Khloe Land of Oregon stepped up to the plate to help her brother get a critical treatment that could very well save his life. Her younger brother Colton, who is just a baby, was born with a rare immune disorder called severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). Colton needed a bone marrow transplant, and the doctors found that Khloe was a perfect match. Overall, there is only a 25 percent chance that siblings will match for this type of transplant. 

About Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID)

Severe combined immunodeficiency is a form of primary immunodeficiency. It is a genetic disorder which is characterized by the improper development of critical B-cells and T-cells, which play an essential role in the operation of the immune system. There are nine different genes that, when mutated, can lead to the development of severe combined immunodeficiency. In most cases, these mutations are not inherited. These patients are extremely susceptible to infections, as they effectively lack any immune function whatsoever. Symptoms of the disorder include frequent and severe infections of either viral, bacterial, or fungal origin; failure to thrive, diarrhea, and interstitial lung disease. Ear infections, candidiasis (an oral fungal infection), and pneumonia are common. The most common treatment for this disease is a bone marrow transplant, which has a good rate of success if conducted in the first three months of life; gene therapy may one day be an alternative. To learn more about severe combined immunodeficiency, click here.

A Brighter Future for Colton

Parents Kayla and Daniel got a special supergirl dress for her to wear before the operation began. Doctors say that the transplant went off without a hitch. The boy was very fortunate to have a donor in the family, which made the process of finding one much quicker. Colton will be monitored by doctors at the hospital for another month before he will be ready to come home with his loving family. Khloe and older sister Krissy will be homeschooled for the time being to avoid picking up germs from their classmates until it is clear that Colton’s immune system can function.