Colorado Newborns Will Now be Screened for Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a rare disorder, but sadly, it is still the most common genetic reason that children die before the age of 2. Not only that, but 60% of diagnoses are the most severe type of the disease- Type 1.

One out of every 50 Americans is a carrier for SMA.

Fortunately, there are treatments which may significantly improve outcomes for patients. Of course, like most therapies, these are most effective when utilized early on in a child’s life. If you don’t receive your diagnosis until later down the line, outcomes are much more bleak.

Newborn Screening Tests

In some states, SMA is on newborn screening tests. However, many still don’t test for this disease despite the alarming statistics.

Thankfully, Colorado has just announced that starting in January 2020, SMA will be included in all of their tests. Now, for children in Colorado, SMA can be diagnosed right away and treatment can be started within a couple of days.

This brings the number of diseases Colorado tests for up to 38. They say they make their decisions on which diseases to include in the tests based on both state needs as well as capacities. Thankfully, funding has already be obtained for adding SMA and advocates, patients, and their families are ecstatic about the change.

For a condition that can impact every facet of an individual’s life, getting diagnosed as soon as possible is imperative.

Hopefully, we will see more states follow Colorado’s lead in the near future.

You can read more about this decision here.

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