This Trigeminal Neuralgia Patient is Raising Money for a Critical Treatment

According to a story from the Columbus Dispatch, Brian McNeal has been living with trigeminal neuralgia for four years. The rare disease leaves him in constant facial pain. The chronic pain has limited his ability to work or have a healthy relationship with his wife Jenaye or his two sons, Kindrin and Kyer. Despite trying several different treatments, none of them have been very effective so far. Brian and his family are currently trying to raise money to pay for a surgical procedure that they hope will finally bring him relief.

About Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal neuralgia is a chronic pain disorder that affects the trigeminal nerve that is located along the face and jaw. The disorder is characterized by sudden bouts of rapid, shocking pain along one side of the face. It can last from a few seconds to several minutes. An episode can be triggered by every day activities such as shaving, eating, talking, and brushing teeth. Even a gust of wind is enough to cause a reaction in some patients. The pain is notoriously severe and is often regarded as one of the worst forms of pain a person can experience. The cause is thought to be linked to a loss of myelin around the trigeminal nerve. It can occur after a stroke or due to myelin loss from multiple sclerosis. There are several medications and surgical procedures that can improve to condition. Trigeminal neuralgia is often linked with depression and patients live in fear of their next episode of pain. To learn more about this condition, click here.

Brian’s Story

Brian says that sometimes the pain is strong enough to bring him to his knees. Treatment for the condition has been complicated by the fact that Brian also has type 1 diabetes. He is currently on medication number five, but the benefit has been minimal so far. The disease has progressed since he was first diagnosed.

Brian is a woodworker but the disorder means that he often isn’t able to get much done during the work day. His routine often varies between trying to work, attempting to eat meals, and lying down. The McNeal family’s best hope lies in a surgical operation. Many trigeminal neuralgia patients will eventually require surgery of some kind. Unfortunately, his insurance company hasn’t agreed to cover the operation so far.

To donate towards Brian’s surgery, click here.