Survey: The Public’s Attitude Towards Rare Disease and Access to Healthcare

Rare disease patients often face more obstacles than others when it comes to healthcare. While we know this, it can be hard to judge the public’s stance on the issue. However, a study from the UK aimed to do just that. YouGov conducted a survey that asked citizens their opinions on equal access for rare disease patients to medicines and other treatments. The UK BioIndustry Association (BIA) recently published the findings from this survey, which was announced in a press release from earlier this week.

About the Survey and Its Results

The survey aimed to verify a statement made by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), in which they asserted that the public does not have any specific ideas when it comes to tackling access for rare disease patients. YouGov wanted to discover if this is true and if the public even supports equal access to healthcare for all. With this information, they will be better able to plan and execute methods to help patients.

Results revealed that there is a strong belief among the public that the NHS should provide equal access to all patients, regardless of the rarity of their conditions. They also demonstrated the public idea that medications should be available based on clinical need rather than cost.

Looking Forward

Now that the survey confirms public support for changes to aid rare disease patients, organizations like NICE can begin to find concrete ways to actually help. Hopefully, they will soon be able to add rarity-specific measures to the healthcare system soon. These additions would greatly support the three million rare disease patients living in the UK.

You can find the source article here.