We know to be wary of ticks during the summer; it’s when we spend the most time outdoors and the weather is at its best. But did you know that tick season peaks again from September to November? Maine has warned its residents of this peak, especially as it’s experiencing a record high year for the number of babesiosis cases.
Beyond just babesiosis, ticks spread many other illnesses, such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and anaplasmosis. In fact, Maine’s CDC has reported over 1,000 cases of Lyme disease by mid-October.
To avoid these illnesses, people should take steps to avoid tick bites. This means using insect repellant, wearing long clothes that cover your skin, and checking for ticks after returning inside. The CDC provides more tips for preventing tick bites, which you can find here.
About Babesiosis
Babesiosis is a disease caused by a microscopic parasite called Babesia, which is spread through infected ticks. In the United States, it is most common in areas heavily populated by ticks, such as the Northeast and upper Midwest. Specifically, the deer tick spreads this illness.
In terms of symptoms, they can range in severity in affected individuals. Some people remain asymptomatic while others develop life-threatening symptoms. Possible symptoms include:
- Fatigue
- Headache
- Chills
- Fever
- Chest pain
- Hip pain
- Shortness of breath
- Excessive sweating
- Muscle aches
It is important to seek treatment if one is experiencing symptoms, as complications may arise. Complications may be hemolysis, thrombocytopenia, disseminated intravascular coagulation, low/unstable blood pressure, the dysfunction of vital organs, and death. Treatment consists of antibiotics and anti-malarial drugs. In severe cases, exchange transfusion may be necessary as well.
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