Trialbee and ERGOMED Have Partnered to Recruit Patients for New Rare Disease Innovation Center

According to a recent article, Trialbee and ERGOMED have partnered to become the platform for patient recruitment for their new Rare Disease Innovation Center.


Trialbee is the leading platform that focuses on patient matching and enrollment in clinical trials. They utilize real world data and data science in order to match patients with trials on a global scale. Their mission is to increase enrollment in trials in order to drive enhancements in the diversity of trials.

Their Real-World Data (RWD) recruitment engine, along with their enrollment platform, aids in identifying, recruiting, and enrolling patients in the Rare Disease Innovation Center.


ERGOMED plc is a global clinical research organization committed to providing specialized services to the pharmaceutical industry and the creation of new drugs. The organization has been influential in rare disease drug developments.

Their ERGOMED’s Site Advantage model has been designed to administer specific support to research sites and rare disease patients in clinical research.

The Partnership

Together the organizations are hoping to improve the recruitment of patients diagnosed with rare diseases. Their partnership will allow for the development of new rare disease treatments and bring these treatments to the market sooner, minus expensive delays.

Research has shown that around 95% of all rare diseases do not even have a drug therapy that has been approved by the FDA. This means that Trialbee and ERGOMED have the chance to make a significant and lasting impact on patients living with rare diseases.

The partnership will work as follows: Trialbee will be the patient indentification partner for ERGOMED’s Rare Disease Innovation Center. ERGOMED will use the Trialbee Hive to their advantage to get referrals and discover patients easier and more efficiently. Trialbee Honey will also be utilized to boost transparency and inclusivity by tracking the referrals at the sites.

They decided to announce this new partnership on Rare Disease Day, a day that brings light to the hundreds of millions of people around the world who have been diagnosed with a rare disease.

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