Family Needs Urgent Support to Treat Son’s Wilson’s Disease

According to a story from The Print, Neha Shoriwala, a mother from New Delhi, is urgently seeking help for her son Harshil, who lives with Wilson’s disease, a rare illness that affects the liver. After the family spent six months trying to figure out his diagnosis without success, Harshil was admitted to the New Delhi Sir Ganga Ram City Hospital.

He’s currently in the ICU on life support after experiencing major declines in October. The family is also under major financial strain, even after seeking monetary support from their extended family. In order to treat Harshil’s Wilson’s disease, he’ll need a liver transplant. Unfortunately, the price is steep at Rs 30 lakh, significantly more than the Rs 12 lakh currently at the Shoriwala’s disposal. 

The family is desperately appealing for financial support in order to fund the transplant, which is the only way to give Harshil relief.

“The outpouring of support from our community can make a world of difference in our lives,” Neha says.

To help contribute and save Harshil’s life, click here.

About Wilson’s Disease

Wilson’s disease is a genetic disorder in which the body is unable to process and excrete copper normally. Therefore, this metal accumulates in the body and causes a range of symptoms. It can ultimately be lethal without intervention. This disorder is caused by a genetic mutation affecting the ATP7B gene. Symptoms include nosebleeds, vomiting, weakness, tremors, fluid in the abdomen, muscle stiffness, limb swelling, difficulty talking, jaundice, anxiety, hallucinations, itching, and personality changes. It can lead to more serious complications such as liver failure or liver cancer, as well as kidney issues. Wilson’s disease is usually treated with dietary changes such as a low copper diet and avoiding copper cooking materials, as well as certain medications. Most medications can have serious side effects, however. A liver transplant can be curative, but it is usually only done with patients who experience liver complications or who otherwise fail to respond to other approaches. To learn more about Wilson’s disease, click here.