What is the Patient Advocate Foundation?
The Patient Advocate Foundation (PAF) is a non-profit, formed in 1994 that has one primary aim- eliminate the barriers to treatment too many patients are faced with. We have never had as many life-altering treatments for rare and debilitating conditions as we do right now. There is absolutely no reason why the patients who need them should not be able to access them. Unfortunately, this access is often impeded due to the exorbitant cost of novel therapies.
Through initiatives like their Co-Pay Relief Program, PAF is helping to relieve the patient burden.
The Co-Pay Relief Program
The Co-Pay Relief (CPR) Program was specifically created to help patients manage the cost of co-payments for their prescription drugs. It is a first come, first serve program for qualified applicants. That means applications are processed in the same order that PAF receives them.
You can find out if you’re eligible here.
After applications are submitted, CPR counselors work with the patient and provider to obtain the information required to advance application. This includes insurance, income, and medical data. Once a patient is approved, the payment is provided directly to them, their doctor, or their pharmacy.
Funds are currently available for-
- Breast cancer
- Cancer genetic and genomic testing
- Cervical cancer
- Electrolyte imbalance
- Hepatitis B and C
- HIV, AIDs and prevention
- Inherited or acquired lipodystrophy
- Multiple myeloma
- Myelodysplastic syndrome
- Osteoporosis
- Periodic paralysis
However, the above diseases are not a comprehensive list of all the illnesses PAF has programs for. Make sure to periodically check the website as the illnesses with available funds are frequently updated and new funds may become available at any time.
Ready to apply? You can do so here. If you would like personal assistance or have questions about the application process you can call PAF at 866-512-3861.