Woman With Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome Works to Raise Awareness of The Condition

Jo Blaney was diagnosed with cyclic vomiting syndrome when she was pregnant with baby number four. She is now striving to bring awareness to the condition, which impacts patients’ daily lives.

As a part of her advocacy, she is working to raise money for CVSUK. If you would like to donate to this campaign, you can do so here.

Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome

Cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS) is a rare condition which typically presents in childhood. The average age of onset is between 3 and 7.

Patients face repetitive episodes of vomiting and nausea. Unfortunately, researchers have yet to understand the cause of the disease, and individuals typically have different triggers. We do know that CVS is not due to an underlying illness or type of infection.

Jo’s Story

Jo, 34, has now been living with CVS for 7 years. She has been to the hospital more than 100 times due to CVS. Unfortunately, the disease is so little known and understood that some of the doctors she has dealt with have had to Google it to understand what she was telling them.

Jo explains that when she has an episode, it can last up to 4 days. This is incredibly difficult because there is nothing that gives her relief. In one episode she can be sick between 10 and 15 times every hour. Even when there is nothing in her stomach, she still experiences symptoms.

The effects of CVS are very serious. At one point, Jo says that she weighed just 43kg. She also describes her abdominal pain to be as painful as labor. The dehydration CVS can cause is also incredibly dangerous.

Jo has had to cancel plans with friends, cancel trips, and more due to her symptoms. It impacts her quality of life.

For Jo, her triggers are certain foods such as McDonald’s fries. She is also triggered by heat and alcohol. Stress can also be a trigger, and therefore this year’s COVID lockdown has made her condition especially difficult.

You can read more about this condition and Jo’s experience here.

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