First in-Depth Study Investigates Chronic Hypoparathyroidism in Pregnancy

A recent study investigated the experiences of patients with chronic hypoparathyroidism in pregnancy.

The study ultimately found that these patients typically had low risk pregnancies and normal outcomes. However, they did have higher rates of inductions.

Chronic Hypoparathyroidism in Pregnancy

Chronic hypoparathyroidism is most common in women.

When women with the condition are pregnant, close monitoring is incredibly important. This is because hypercalcemia and hypocalcemia can influence the developing fetus. Unfortunately, research on how to manage this condition while pregnant is not well developed.

This study improved our understanding of managing hypoparathyroidism in pregnancy through the use of patient registers. This study, conducted in Sweden, examined how this condition can influence outcomes in pregnancy with 1,520 patients. Additionally examined were 15,200 individuals who served as a control group. The data was from 1997 to 2017.

  • 6.4% of all patients gave birth (totaling 139 births)
  • 6.8% of individuals in the control group gave birth (1,577 births)
  • The average age of diagnosis was 26.9 years
  • 76.4% of patients had post surgical chronic hypoparathyroidism
  • 23.6% of patients had nonsurgical chronic hypoparathyroidism

Between both groups, average weight, smoking status, age at the time of delivery, year they delivered, and whether or not they were working were similar. More patients received thyroxine than those in the control group.

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