Planned Phase 2 Trial of ANVS401 for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Moving Forward

As reported in Parkinson’s News Today, an investigational therapy to treat patients with Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease has had its Phase 2 trial approved by the central institutional review board(IRD) of Oregon State University. The two diseases are marked by the excess of proteins in the brain which degrade neurons and ultimately cause them to die off. The new drug Posiphen works to undo the build up of the protein.

 Dr. Maria Maccecchini, the CEO of Annovis Bio, the creator of the therapy, expressed excitement over this news and stated in a press release:
“We believe we remain on track to complete the study by the first quarter of 2021.”

Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that disrupts a patient’s movement by damaging the central nerve system. The first symptoms begin to appear after age 50, usually beginning with a mild tremor. Symptoms progress over time to include more severe shaking, stiffness, slurred speech, difficulty balancing difficulty walking or standing, and finally delusions and hallucinations. The disease is attributed to a breakdown in neuron communication, which results in difficulties with movement. There are currently no cures.

Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive neurological disease that causes neuron cells to die causing cognitive decline. It is the most common form of dementia. It results in problems with memory and thinking as well as behavior changes that disrupt daily routines. Eventually, the patient is unable to complete basic tasks and cannot live on their own. Learn more about it here.

The Drug for Two Diseases

The two neurodegenerative diseases have symptoms that develop as a direct response to the excess of proteins in the brain cells, so the treatment focuses on stopping that ribosomal translation. The investigational drug Posiphen interrupts the translation of the proteins so that they’re not being produced at such a high rate. By disrupting production, the drug manufacturers hope the drug will help maintain healthier cell communication. A previous study on the treatment on mice found the treatment to successfully reduce gut problems due to the lessening of the protein alpha-synuclein, the toxic protein in Parkinson’s patients.
As the drug marches through the clinical barriers, the newest phase includes plans to enroll 68 patients with the two diseases for four week trials across the US. They will study the health of neuron cells and if the drug can minimize the build up of the toxic proteins. They hope the study will show the drug to be both safe and effective at improving neural functioning. In the press release, they explain they also hope to see the effect of the drug
“…On motor impairment and non-motor symptoms in early PD patients and the effect on memory  and cognitive function in early AD subjects.”


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