Say all you want about the threat of robots taking over the world—technology is making lives easier for those of us who are human.
And humans who suffer from ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, and other spondyloarthritis diseases now have an app to help them take care of themselves.
The app is named AS Health Storylines and is available in the US and Canada through Google Play, or the Apple App Store. It was created by Self Care Catalysts in cooperation with the not-for-profit Canadian Spondylitis Association.
And they had a ton of input from people living with ankylosing spondylitis and other spondyloarthritis diseases.
Although these conditions have no cure, patients who carefully manage their medications, engage in physical therapies, and observe healthy lifestyle habits, do lead productive lives.
The app allows the user to track:
- medications
- exercise
- fatigue
- moods
- other aspects of self-care
It’s also fully “sync-able” with FitBit and other similar technology.
A summary of all entries is created, which will give the user the opportunity to have more meaningful conversations with their health team.
So bring on the robots! Technology really is a great thing!