Oscar’s Story: Bravery Through a Rhabdomyosarcoma Diagnosis

Oscar Warrent, a toddler from Norwich, England, has been through a lot in his two years of life. About three months ago, he was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare form of childhood soft tissue cancer. Since then, he has undergone extensive treatments and spent a lot of time in the hospital. Luckily, he has the support and love of friends and family during these tough times, and his mother says that he’s doing very well despite his circumstances.

Oscar’s Story

Oscar initially began experiencing symptoms five months before his diagnosis. Doctors blamed various causes, such as constipation or a bug, before they discovered the real culprit last November: rhabdomyosarcoma.

Doctors from Addenbrooke’s in Cambridge, England officially diagnosed the cancer after finding a mass in his bladder. Since then, Oscar has been undergoing treatment. He currently has drains in his bladders and kidneys, and the plan is to keep them there until March at the earliest. Additionally, he’s receiving chemotherapy treatment. After six to eight rounds of this, he’ll move to radiotherapy and possibly another surgery (you can follow his treatment journey on Facebook).

Throughout this journey, Oscar has been supported by friends and family alike. When he lost his hair, his brother and grandparents shaved their heads in solidarity as well. Of course, this situation has been difficult for them as well. It hurts them to see Oscar in pain, and they’ve had to watch him struggle with bladder spasms and other symptoms.

In order to help, a family friend – referred to by Oscar and his siblings as Auntie Telly – has set up a fundraiser. Its aim is to help the Warrents with the costs associated with Oscar’s care. The family is overwhelmed by the support it has received and the love that has been sent to Oscar. They even set up an Amazon wishlist for the toddler, which provided a nice distraction and entertainment during hospital stays.

In the end, Oscar is a fighter, and a very strong one for a two-year-old. If you want to help him in his fight, you can donate here.

About Rhabdomyosarcoma

Rhabdomyosarcoma is a rare form of childhood cancer that begins in the soft tissue. While it most commonly affects children, people of any age may be impacted. It leads to varying symptoms depending on where in the soft tissue the tumor forms, but possible symptoms include blood in the urine, issues with bowel movements, trouble urinating, swelling in the eyes, headaches, bleeding in the throat, nose, and ears; and masses or bleeding in the vagina or rectum.

Medical professionals do not know what causes this cancer, although they have identified a number of risk factors, such as a family history of cancer, Noonan’s syndrome, and Costello syndrome. In terms of treatment, a combination of therapies is typically required. Options include radiation therapy, chemotherapy, surgery, and clinical trials.

You can find the source article here.

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