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The history of the world stands on the importance of community. No sole genius alters the pages of time without some kind of support group, and the Parent Stories from the Juvenile Arthritis Foundation offers a lifeline for families living with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA).

… even though relatives and friends don’t understand, there are people who get it. We’re out there. You are not alone.

Many people feel alienated, lonely, and depressed—they go home every night to watch T.V. and eat on their couch by themselves.

But is this really the life we should be living?

One of the most important things in a person’s life is the people we do life with.

We Need to Make the Time

The world tells us that we can do it on our own.

For many of us, our work and home demands take all of our time and energy; we don’t think we have enough time for relationships and spending time in the community.

But, maybe we should consider:

  • From our childhood days to adulthood, we care for our family members, our relatives, our neighbors, and friends; this leads to a need of togetherness among people, which helps in creating a community
  • A sense of togetherness lies in the soul of every individual; this comes from our care and dependency on our fellow beings
  • We tend to enjoy any festival or social ritual together; this is a kind of community feeling
  • In a community, people live by associating with one another; the feeling of association is a common human feeling

Hence, community plays an important role in making life lively, vibrant, and connected.

So, hip-hip-hooray that times have changed!

The communities that could move mountains, the communities that have shaped the course of history, are no longer out of our grasp.

They are at our fingertips. We can build them ourselves just like the JA Parent Stories.

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