Mother’s Day Ovarian Cancer 5K

The 2017 Suburban Chevrolet Ann Arbor Goddess 5K and Mile Fun Run will be held on Mother’s Day, this Sunday, May 14th. The race is not only to celebrate women, but to promote Ovarian Cancer research.

A portion of each registration fee will be given to the Michigan Ovarian Cancer Alliance (MIOCA), a nonprofit established in 2011. MIOCA not only provides support to survivors, patients, and their families, but focuses on prevention of the illness. By promoting early detection, new treatment options, and innovative research, they hope to improve the lives of all those affected by the disease.

Just this year, MIOCA awarded 100,000 dollars to fund two researchers in Michigan working on improving treatment outcomes. Additionally, they’ve provided scholarships to 6 survivors so they can attend the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund Alliance’s annual conference this July. In total, they’ve increased their financial support for the cause by over 20,000 dollars in 2017, and it’s because of events like this.

You can enter the 5K as an individual, or as a team, running alongside the women in your life who matter the most. Not a runner? No worries, you have two different race options!

1) 5K- 3.1 miles across the beautiful Ann Arbor landscape (beautiful, but flat, so don’t fret!)

2) One-Mile Fun Run- An un-timed race just to get your feet moving

Have the whole family together for Mother’s Day? Enter in the Three Generations of Women category OR, this year, for the first time ever, there’s a special Kids’ 200-meter dash for children 8 and under.

Ovarian Cancer survivors race for free and every participant has the option to form a fundraising team, where 100% of the proceeds go to MIOCA.

The best part, (besides providing awareness and funds for Ovarian Cancer research of course), is that everyone wins! You won’t have to suffer flashbacks from finishing last in your grade school fitness test. Every participant will receive a finisher’s medal, a T-shirt, a sample of Iorio’s chocolate gelato and dairy-free sorbet halfway through their race, and free snacks at the finish line to celebrate their victory.

Register here, before it’s too late!

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