Editor’s Choice Weekend Roundup: Meme’s, Viral Videos, and More!

We’ve seen great memes from the community, an awesome mom who is trying to raise awareness for CVID through a viral video, and so much more.

Check out the highlights from this past week below!

[one_half] Candace's family in a car

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This Mom’s Video Could Make CVID Awareness Go Viral

You’d think that having 4 kids would be the biggest thing on a mom’s plate. Ass in a severely rare autoimmune disease like common variable immune deficiency (CVID) and forget about it.

Candace’s story and viral video will make you ant to scream CVID awareness from the mountain tops.

[/one_half_last] [one_half] 3 People Holding Hands

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These Parents Need All Your Support for Daughter’s Non-Stop Fever

It’s normal for parents to come home and their newborn baby have a fever. but once that fever last for over two years there is definitely an issue.

Check out the continual journey of a little girl and her parents questions if CINCA/NOMID is finally the diagnosis they have been searching for.

[/one_half_last] [one_half] Doormat Meme

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Meme Monday: Our Favorite Rare Disease Memes from Around the Web

We gathered some of our favorite memes from twitter’s most prevalent rare disease posters. Trust us You’ll want to share these ASAP!

[/one_half_last] [one_half] Glasses sitting on top of open book

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Here’s What You Need to Know to Stay Informed on Sarcoidosis

At Patient Worthy, we love to spread awareness for chronic rare illnesses that usually don’t get the media’s attention. Sarcoidosis is no different.

If you’ve never heard of the condition, check out this article to not only inform yourself, but help others know about this rare disease.


Don’t forget to share our weekend roundup by using a social button below. Have a great weekend!