Be Inspired! From Rock Bottom to UC Rock Star

I’m a big fan of questions. All my life, I’ve asked questions and looked for the answers. Sometimes I’ve found them, and sometimes not. What I now realize, after many years of asking, is that the questions are more important than the answers—a journey of self-discovery.

But what happens when the leading personal question is: “Why me?” That’s a big one for young student-athlete Kennedy Brooks, who lives with ulcerative colitis (UC).

Brooks admits to having moments of self-pity, but she also enjoyed a great deal of personal growth through the ordeal. Kennedy’s journey is a mighty story of personal development—a must-ulcerative-colitis-read, so click here.

Setting out on a journey of personal growth and development can seem overwhelming at first. When browsing the self-improvement or personal development sections of any bookstore, there are hundreds if not thousands of books promising to help people lose weight, make more money, or find the perfect new hobby.

But true personal growth is not about buying a book and letting it sit on the shelf at home, or attending a seminar and feeling fulfilled. True personal growth and development starts with making the decision that one of the most important things a person can do in life is to constantly improve, get better, and become a better version of the former self. Just like the spirited Kennedy Brooks—one who struggles with ulcerative colitis but doesn’t let the disease define her.

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