If They Can Do It, So Can I: Famous Faces of Narcolepsy

A consistent struggle shared by those living with chronic conditions is to what extent that condition defines their lives. It’s an ongoing battle and the results are constantly fluctuating. At one point, it could seem like the condition is all there is to you; other times, it’s only a blip on the radar.

The folks over at ranker recently compiled a list of celebrities who live(d) with narcolepsy.

And if there’s one thing that list helped put into perspective for me, it’s that narcolepsy doesn’t need to define anyone’s life.

Just look at what others living with narcolepsy have accomplished!

Names include Jimmy Kimmel, Kurt Cobain, Lenny Bruce, and Nastassja Kinski in the entertainment world, and Winston Churchill and Harold Ickes in politics.

There are also athletes (Franch Bouyer and Aaron Flahavan), inventors (Thomas Edison and Louis Braille), and historical figures (Harriet Tubman).

So if you’re living with narcolepsy, strive to not let it define your entire life.

Hopefully you’ll take inspiration from the accomplishments of others.

Whether you agree or disagree with that assessment, share your thoughts below.

James Ernest Cassady

James Ernest Cassady

Though "Ernest" is a family name that's been passed down for generations, James truly earned his middle moniker when, at the age of five, he told his mother that "laughing is stupid unless EVERYBODY is happy." Since then, the serious little bastard has been on a mission to highlight the world's shortcomings (and hopefully correct them). In addition to his volunteer work at hospitals and animal shelters, James also enjoys documentaries and the work of William Faulkner. He is originally from Oklahoma.

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