The Importance of Testicular Cancer Awareness

According to a story from the Westside Gazette, it is essential for young men to be aware of the risk of testicular cancer and to know when it might be a good idea to get yourself checked out. On average, one in every 250 men will get diagnosed with testicular cancer, which means over 9,000 men are diagnosed with it in the US each year. Testicular cancer is also the most common cancer type in the 15-35 age range.
Testicular cancer often first appears as a lump in the testicle or pain in the scrotum. Potential risk factors include an undescended testicle, prior history of testicular cancer, and family history. Some studies also suggest that cannabis use can also increase risk. Some symptoms include pain in the abdomen or scrotum, a feeling of heaviness in the scrotum, and breast enlargement. If the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes, symptoms can include a lump in the neck or lower back pain. If it spreads to the lungs, symptoms include shortness of breath and a bloody cough. Generally, testicular cancer responds well to treatment and can be cured in most cases, although treatment can have some long lasting health effects and can sometimes result in infertility. To learn more about testicular cancer, click here.

It is possible for men to examine their testicles in order to detect abnormalities that could be a tumor. Doctors recommend that men should check their testicles for lumps on a monthly basis, ideally when the scrotum is relaxed, such as in the shower. In addition, men should be aware of the symptoms listed earlier, and should also be diligent about noticing any changes to the size or shape of the testicles. If one of them appears to have increased in size relative to the other, it could be a sign of cancer.

Many men may think that they are at low risk of getting testicular cancer because they are young, but the reality is the opposite. Many people associate increased cancer risk as an effect of getting older, but most cases appear at a relatively young age. However, men of all ages are at risk. Staying informed is essential, especially because testicular cancer that it caught early on can usually be cured.

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