Go to a Zoo for Dystonia Awareness Month!

September is Dystonia Awareness Month!

Dystonia is a chronic movement disorder, existing in the same family as the more well-known Parkinson’s disease. Symptoms of dystonia are defined by involuntary muscle contractions which may worsen with voluntary activity.

Sometimes intermittent, sometimes painful, and sometimes sustained, these contractions may resemble tremors, and cause the body to twist into unnatural, repetitive postures and/or movements.

Three common classifications include focal dystonia, generalized dystonia, and segmental dystonia.

The Dystonia Medical Research Foundation (DMRF) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to advance research for more treatments and ultimately a cure, to promote awareness and education, and to support the needs and well being of affected individuals and families.

In celebration of awareness month, the DMRF is sponsoring a few events to help spread the word, including events at the zoo!

Dystonia Moves Me

Join the DMRF’s “Dystonia Moves Me” campaign, and do one or more of the following:

1. Read up on dystonia so you are prepared to inform family, friends, or anyone! Click here to download a free double-sided fact sheet of dystonia talking points to help start the conversation.

2. Consider making a donation to support awareness efforts. Any bit helps!

3. Push along awareness via your social media! Throughout September, look for facts about dystonia posted daily from DMRF on Facebook and Twitter (@dmrf) and then share with your social networks, using the hashtag #DystoniaMovesMe on the DMRF!


The DMRF has merchandise for sale to help you promote dystonia awareness for any and all occasions!

Click here to order your limited edition dystonia awareness merchandise! By doing so, you’re helping raise awareness AND funds.

Dystonia Zoo Walks

These zoo walks are family-friendly community days at the zoo to raise awareness about dystonia. Participants are invited to walk as much or as little as they would like; there are no mileage goals and no pledge money needed to participate.

There will be games, face painting, refreshments, lots of door prizes, and some special guests even!

This year, 13 cities are hosting Dystonia Zoo Walks! Check them out below and if you can attend, share pictures with the hashtag #letszoothis !

And make sure you do it quick! Some deadlines for registration are fast approaching!

And if zoos ain’t your thing, click here to check for events in your area!

So in whatever way you can help raise awareness, please consider doing!

How are you supporting Dystonia Awareness Month? Share your stories, thoughts, and hopes with the Patient Worthy community!

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