Jessica Lynn has an educational background in writing and marketing. She firmly believes in the power of writing in amplifying voices, and looks forward to doing so for the rare disease community.

    VERVE-101 Shows Promise in Treating HeFH, Phase 1b Study Results Show

    Heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HeFH) can be difficult to control on available standard-of-care cholesterol-lowering medications. Therapeutic interventions are needed to reduce high LDL cholesterol levels and improve health and quality-of-life for…

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    ACR Convergence 2023: New Data Shared on Dazodalibep for Sjögren’s Syndrome

    The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) held its annual scientific meeting -- ACR Convergence 2023 -- from November 10 to 15. During the meeting, stakeholders throughout the field shared insights…

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    Rare Community Profiles: Battling Renal Cell Carcinoma and Oligodendroglioma Led Tony to Found a Nonprofit for Families Fighting Cancer
    Photo courtesy of Tony L.

    Rare Community Profiles: Battling Renal Cell Carcinoma and Oligodendroglioma Led Tony to Found a Nonprofit for Families Fighting Cancer

      Rare Community Profiles is a Patient Worthy article series of long-form interviews featuring various stakeholders in the rare disease community, such as patients, their families, advocates, scientists, and more.…

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    ICYMI: Opdivo Now Approved for Patients Aged 12+ with Surgically Resected Stage 2B-C Melanoma

      In the past, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Opdivo (nivolumab) for different forms of cancer, such as non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and melanoma. More recently,…

    Continue Reading ICYMI: Opdivo Now Approved for Patients Aged 12+ with Surgically Resected Stage 2B-C Melanoma
    Care Assessment Need (CAN) Score Could Improve Care for Veterans with Basal Cell Carcinoma
    Photo by sydney Rae on Unsplash

    Care Assessment Need (CAN) Score Could Improve Care for Veterans with Basal Cell Carcinoma

      Coordinating medical care can be complex, especially when you are older. If you are dealing with a health condition like cancer, you might be wondering: how long can/will I…

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