Jessica Lynn has an educational background in writing and marketing. She firmly believes in the power of writing in amplifying voices, and looks forward to doing so for the rare disease community.
Heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HeFH) can be difficult to control on available standard-of-care cholesterol-lowering medications. Therapeutic interventions are needed to reduce high LDL cholesterol levels and improve health and quality-of-life for…
Continue ReadingVERVE-101 Shows Promise in Treating HeFH, Phase 1b Study Results Show
The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) held its annual scientific meeting -- ACR Convergence 2023 -- from November 10 to 15. During the meeting, stakeholders throughout the field shared insights…
Continue ReadingACR Convergence 2023: New Data Shared on Dazodalibep for Sjögren’s Syndrome
In 2005, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved abatacept for the treatment of moderate-to-severe rheumatoid arthritis. Twelve years later, in 2017, the FDA expanded the drug's approval…
Continue ReadingAbatacept Now Approved for Children Ages 2-17 with PsA
When Kara Roberts learned that she was pregnant with a daughter, she was thrilled. While her pregnancy itself was relatively normal, Roberts learned that her daughter, Scarlett, would need one…
Continue ReadingNHS Won’t Cover Prosthetic Foot for Girl Who Had Amniotic Band Syndrome
Ask any doctor about neuroblastoma and they'll tell you: this rare cancer, which forms from immature nerve cells, predominantly affects children who are five years old or younger. So when…
Continue Reading1 in 10 Million: 20-Year-Old Diagnosed with Stage IV Neuroblastoma
Editor's Note: We believe that patients are a key part of developing and leading the conversation in disease communities. Patient Worthy sometimes partners with reputable agencies that wish to speak…
Continue ReadingChildhood Hodgkin Lymphoma May Cause Female Fertility Issues Later in Life
Rare Community Profiles is a Patient Worthy article series of long-form interviews featuring various stakeholders in the rare disease community, such as patients, their families, advocates, scientists, and more.…
Continue ReadingRare Community Profiles: Battling Renal Cell Carcinoma and Oligodendroglioma Led Tony to Found a Nonprofit for Families Fighting Cancer
Editor's Note: We believe that patients are a key part of developing and leading the conversation in disease communities. Patient Worthy sometimes partners with reputable agencies that wish to speak…
Continue ReadingRates of Late-Stage Cervical Cancer are Increasing
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has been proven to increase how permeable blood vessels are in the eyes, causing them to leak. When new blood vessels form, these may also…
Continue ReadingPositive Data Reported on ABBV-RGX-314 for Diabetic Retinopathy
In the past, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Opdivo (nivolumab) for different forms of cancer, such as non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and melanoma. More recently,…
Continue ReadingICYMI: Opdivo Now Approved for Patients Aged 12+ with Surgically Resected Stage 2B-C Melanoma
When it comes to rare and chronic conditions, awareness is important. Oftentimes, disease-specific information remains within the community; many others are informed about the impact of these conditions. Awareness not…
Continue ReadingWest Rowan Elementary School Hosts Awareness Day for Achondroplasia
In a recent news release, biotechnology company InflaRx N.V. announced that the first participant had been dosed with vilobelimab in a Phase 3 clinical trial. Within the trial, researchers are…
Continue ReadingFirst Patient Dosed in Vilobelimab Study for Pyoderma Gangrenosum
Editor's Note: We believe that patients are a key part of developing and leading the conversation in disease communities. Patient Worthy sometimes partners with reputable agencies that wish to speak…
Continue ReadingDick Vitale Shares His Vocal Cord Cancer Diagnosis
26.2 miles. 5 boroughs. And a deep feeling of fulfillment when she finally crossed the finish line. When Holly Griffin first decided to run the New York Marathon, she was…
Continue ReadingThis Mom Ran the NY Marathon to Raise Neurofibromatosis Awareness
The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR) held its Annual Meeting from October 13 to 16, 2023. During the meeting, over 2,000 attendees and stakeholders came together…
Continue ReadingASBMR Annual Meeting: Research Highlights XLH Disease Burden Over Time
Right now, there are no disease-specific treatments or cures for Angelman syndrome, a rare neurogenetic syndrome. Research centers around exploring options to reduce seizures, improve sleep, and contribute to…
Continue ReadingPositive Updates Available in ION582 Study for Angelman Syndrome
Did you know — November is considered Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Awareness Month! Awareness plays an incredibly important role in supporting families, advancing research, and advocating for better…
The varicella zoster virus is known for causing some of the world's most widespread viral conditions: chickenpox and shingles. Typically, people are infected during childhood and develop chickenpox. The virus…
Continue ReadingThe POM-L-BHDU Molecule Shows Promise in Treating Shingles
Editor's Note: We believe that patients are a key part of developing and leading the conversation in disease communities. Patient Worthy sometimes partners with reputable agencies that wish to speak…
Continue ReadingAn HPV DNA Test Could Improve Cervical Cancer Screening Accessibility
November is Gastric Cancer Awareness Month. So what do you know about gastric cancer? Stomach cancer, or gastric cancer, is a cancer that manifests in the stomach lining. It often…
When Brittany Miller welcomed her daughter Brooke into the world, she had no idea what the next few months would bring. At just a few weeks old, Brooke began having…
Continue ReadingVNS Therapy Reduces Seizures for Teen with Aicardi Syndrome
Coordinating medical care can be complex, especially when you are older. If you are dealing with a health condition like cancer, you might be wondering: how long can/will I…
Continue ReadingCare Assessment Need (CAN) Score Could Improve Care for Veterans with Basal Cell Carcinoma
Editor's Note: We believe that patients are a key part of developing and leading the conversation in disease communities. Patient Worthy sometimes partners with reputable agencies that wish to speak…
Continue ReadingCould Deep Brain Stimulation Reduce Alzheimer’s Disease Symptoms?
Shortly after Laura Colby was born, she was diagnosed with a rare metabolic disorder known as maple syrup urine disease (MSUD). Normally, our body has an enzyme complex that breaks…
Continue ReadingWoman with MSUD is Looking for a Living Liver Donor—Is It You?
According to reporting from WJTV, there have been 34 cases of West Nile Virus in humans diagnosed in Mississippi this year. The health department reports that cases were found in…
Continue Reading34 Cases of West Nile Virus Occurred in Mississippi This Year
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