Danny’s Dose
Danny’s Dose was founded by Darlene Shelton, the grandmother to a wonderful little boy with Hemophilia, Danny, who is the heart of Danny’s Dose. Danny’s Dose strives to prevent morbidity and mortality for the population of people with rare disease, chronic illness and special medical needs, who require specialized treatment and/or receiving their patient carried specialty meds in emergencies. They do this through:
- Informing Americans of the oversight in our emergency medical protocols;
- Protecting the individuals who can be harmed or loose a life due to improper or delayed treatment;
- Protecting those Paramedics and Doctors who are forced to make a decision of following a “rule” or “regulation” over saving joints, muscles, organs, and lives;
- Being the driving force in building teams in every state to stand and be heard;
- Seeing these PROTOCOLS amended one state at a time; preferably not by legislation unless absolutely necessary
- Seeing these PROTOCOLS amended also on the national level;
- Providing education to families in Emergency Planning and provide Emergency Alert products for their protection
- Raising awareness to the Medical Association so they can help educate patients and families
Condition Awareness & Advocacy
Here is a list of conditions this partner raises awareness and advocacy for:
Patient Worthy Posts on Hemophilia, Hemophilia A, Hemophilia B
5 Bloody Amazing Things About the Bleeding Disorder Red Tie Challenge
Ever heard that blood is thicker than water? Not only am I sure the National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF) has heard it—they’re essentially creating a movement
Here’s How to Understand Hemophilia Through Powerful Myths!
I recently read an interesting article about a new drug for hemophilia B called: Idelvion [Coagulation Factor IX (Recombinant), Albumin Fusion Protein] which I highly
When Nanoparticles Rule the World, Treatments Get Better
What the heck is a nanoparticle? It sounds very Twilight Zone-ish, and in some ways, nanoparticles are just that. The thing is, nanoparticles are the movers
Short and Sweet: How to Best Understand Hemophilia
I recently read an article about Hemophilia A and B from the Cleveland Clinic. I thought it was incredibly helpful because, sometimes, I get confused
Murder in the Royal Family: How Researchers Discovered Hemophilia in Queen Victoria’s Bloodline
Royalty, murder, lots and lots of blood – sounds like elements from the plot of a Victorian-era thriller. Actually, this story comes straight from hemophilia
The Power of Connecting: It’s Better Than Vacation!
Have a rare disease? Have you ever been to a national patient conference? These are invaluable opportunities to connect with others who share your challenges