Our Odyssey

The challenges facing young adults differ from those affecting older adults and are not always being heard or addressed. The burdens that young adults carry include coping with their disease, talking with family, friends, and romantic partners about their health condition, planning their future (family and career), and finding beneficial and responsible peer-support. The transition from childhood or adolescence to adulthood is often a time of uncertainty and the onset of complex emotions.

 Founded in 2019, Our Odyssey is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit to address these unmet needs and provide year round in-person and virtual meetups to young adults between the ages of 18-35. Our Odyssey’s mission is to connect young adults impacted by a rare or chronic condition with social and emotional support in the hope of improving their quality of life. To learn more, please visit www.ourodyssey.org or contact us at info@ourodyssey.org.


Condition Awareness & Advocacy

Here is a list of conditions this partner raises awareness and advocacy for: 

Resources & Support

Connect With Our Odyssey

Patient Worthy Posts on Chronic Illness