Raise Awareness of Turner Syndrome During the Month of February!

February is Turner Syndrome awareness month!
Turner Syndrome is a chromosomal condition that affects approximately one in every 2,000 women. The condition occurs when a woman lacks all or part of her second X chromosome and is characterized by a cluster of symptoms that range from mild to life-threatening, including slowed growth, irregular menstrual cycles, and heart abnormalities.

The Turner Syndrome Society of the United States (TSSUS) is an excellent organization and resource for those who want to help make a difference – not just during awareness month, but all throughout the year!

Here are some ways to make an impact.
  1. Participate or host in a walk.TSSUS has many avenues to make it easy to host or participate in their signature “Chasing Butterflies” walk, to help raise awareness.
  2. Find a local group.There’s always strength in numbers! By connecting with a local advocacy group, you are opening yourself to a community who has genuine insights into the realities of Turner syndrome.
  3. Donate! When in doubt – a little donation never hurts. Whether it’s organizing a Blue Jeans for Butterflies fundraiser at your school or job – or purchasing a shirt for awareness month – every bit can help!
So please explore TSSUS’s website here and play a part in raising awareness for this rare condition!

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