The Weight of When the Metabolic Flu Attacks

shutterstock_92949010Immunodeficiency’s can cause weight gain. That’s no secret. But oftentimes, Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID) patients are surprised when they begin gaining weight.

CVID is characterized by low antibody levels and recurrent infections. The deficiency makes it difficult for people to fight off diseases, making sense why a CVID patient wouldn’t except to gain additional weight

But, when CVID patients are sick, they become prone to a virus known as metabolic flu. This virus makes a person unable to lose weight and feel better by eating higher quality food and getting consistent exercise.

Metabolic flu is, indeed, a malfunction and inefficiency of the immune system that impacts your metabolism. For CVID patients who already have an increased risk of infections and bugs, metabolic flu can be dreadful.

Okay, so?

Obviously, eating a diet that’s high in fat and sugar changes the immune cells, which up your chances of obesity. At that point, metabolic flu causes the immune system to malfunction, and for CVID patients who already have a weakened immune system, their risk for suffering from this flu long-term continues to increase.

As for solutions, following the Leptin Diet is important. However, it’s only after you lose 15 pounds that you can consider your case of the metabolic flu “under control.” Then, once you reach a healthy weight, the diet requires you to stay at that weight for a year before you’re truly cured. During that year, your body is making “new metabolically fit fat cells that are adjusted to your current weight, while many of your old unfit fat cells are dying off.”

Needless to say, nobody likes the flu. And nobody likes the metabolic flu, but taking whatever precautions you can (like taking extra nutrients to help your immune system function better), can help your case.