Did you know it’s NERVEmber?

Did you know it’s NERVEmber?

nervember-balloon-drop-book-mg3panxcuoqzpw55sh302dkdcfk5un4yctlfdpf474It all began in 2007.  The Power of Pain Foundation created NERVEmber. November has become the month for the awareness of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, or Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, among others.


Complex regional pain syndrome is a chronic pain syndrome that can be concentrated in a particular area of the body or spread throughout it. This pain can be incredibly intense and for now, there is no cure or even  consistently effective treatments.
This often underrepresented and under-served community of patients is gaining recognition by making this month very orange.
Visit The Power of Pain Foundation or NERVEmber.org for more information and use the hashtags provided by the POP, #IHaveTheNerveToBeHeard #painPOP #DoYouHaveTheNerveToBe Heard #NERVEmber 2015 #PaintTheWorldOrange you may even have a chance to win prizes!
Patient Worthy is going to support this effort by concentrating on CRPS/RSD this month. We will be posting an number of CRPS articles and featuring contributions written by various CRPS patients. We will posting using the Power of Pain Foundation hashtags  on twitter and Facebook so keep an eye out!


Join the effort to help create awareness! Check NERVEmber.org for daily tasks! To learn more about the foundation and the disorders check out their series of educational videos!

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