The Virtue of Dried Blood Spots

Researchers in rare disease find it very challenging to find specimens. 

The Newborn Screening Translational Research Network (NBSTRN), has developed an easy way for researchers to access specimens through the dried blood spot samples which are collected hours after birth from newborns.

There are over 3 million dried blood spots scattered through 50 states. Many of these blood spots have identified rare diseases. But how does a researcher access them? 

Now they can access them through an easy process in the Virtual Repository of Dried Blood Spots (VRDBS). Researchers can see what is available, in all the participating states. In addition, they host webinars and training sessions on brand new features of the system, at the end of which researchers can ask questions specific to their needs.

While the training sessions are intended for investigators, everyone is welcome to join and learn. The next training session will be held at 2pm Eastern Time, on January 21st. You can join here!

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