How do I know if I have Lyme disease?
The Center for Disease Control has a helpful infographic showing the most common symptoms from 2001 to 2010. In order from most common to least, they are:
1. Erythema Migrans (raised red ring around a tick bite)
2. Arthritis (inflammation of joints)
3. Bell’s Palsy (facial paralysis leading to distortion on one side)
4. Radiculoneuropathy (disease of spinal nerves)
5. Meningitis (inflammation around the brain or spinal cord) or encephalitis (inflammation of the brain itself)
6. Cardiac (heart-related symptoms)
If you live or have been in a tick-infested area and present any of these symptoms, make sure you see your doctor right away! They could be signs of Lyme disease.
Do you have Lyme disease? What symptoms tipped you off that you might have it?