The diabetes drug pioglitazone, has an unexpected side effect that brings hope to patients with chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) and other primary immunodeficiency diseases.
This drug boosts the production of ROS in white blood cells by nearly 30 percent in mice with CGD, and enhances the ability of cells to kill problematic pathogens. So, THAT’S good news!
A primary immunodeficiency disease can happen to anyone of any age, gender, or race.
There are over 250 disorders of the immune system. They are all rare, and most are chronic. Immune system disorders can effect all bodily systems including the skin, sinuses, throat, ears, lungs, spinal cord, brain, and digestive tracts. And the infections can recur any time throughout the patient’s life. Primary humoral immunodeficiency complications and related illnesses often mean repeated hospitalizations and continuous medical intervention.
The Immune Deficiency Foundation aids families and patients, as well increases awareness of immunodeficiency diseases and the effects they have on people. This increase in awareness can lead to additional funding and research, and subsequently, breakthroughs like the one made with the diabetes drug, pioglitazone.
If you’d like to donate $$$ to help find a cure for primary immunodeficiency diseases, contact the Immune Deficiency Foundation!
What do you think of the news about pioglitazone? Perhaps that the answers aren’t always right in front of us? How do you think doctors can apply this evidence to future research? Leave a comment below!