How to Use Your Creativity to Support Lyme Disease

When I think of creativity and crafty talent, Etsy is one of my first fleeting thoughts. I view all the shops on the website, and wonder, “How I wish I had half the talent of any of these artists.”

Crafting jewelry.

Sewing costumes or outfits for children.

Knitting a glorious sweater.

Too many lost opportunities of offers to teach me a crafty skill.

cary grant crafts knitting knit
I should’ve let them lend me a hand. Source:

Friends or family have always been more than willing to sit and show me how to do it, especially my own mother who can crochet anything from table clothes to old fashioned dollies. But, I’ve always made excuses and declared that I don’t have enough time.

Seeing Green

And then, I read up on the two knitting clubs from Newark, the participants from the Newark Free Library’s Yarnivores and the Knit Together in Love Club, and their volunteer efforts to use their knack for knitting to support individuals with Lyme disease.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) indicates that each year, there are approximately 30,000 cases of Lyme disease reported to them. However, this number does not reflect every case of Lyme disease that is diagnosed in the United States each year.

Combine this fact with the spirit to participate in the nationwide “Take a Bite Out of Lyme Disease Challenge.”

That’s why you’d find 86 parking meters along Main Street in Newark, New Jersey yarn-bombed with green colored pole covers, which is a graffiti-style art form that involves covering public areas with yarn.

Click here to read the full story how 29 women unite their love for knitting with their objective of raising awareness for Lyme disease.