What You Need to Know About Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal neuralgia is a chronic disease characterized by a sudden severe pain in the face, which can be unpredictable and last for few seconds up to a minute.

These painful attacks can be unpredictable. How often they occur can vary. Some may experience short bursts of pain for a couple days, whereas others may experience the attacks many times a day.

As for risk factors, women are more likely to be affected, especially if they over the age of 40.

Sometimes, there are not any triggers. But some people have reported to feel pain while brushing their teeth, washing their face, or even when something merely brushes their cheeks.

Are you at risk?

If you are experiencing ongoing facial pain and standard painkillers do not work, you may want to speak with your doctor.

Click here to learn more information about trigeminal neuralgia, as well as treatment.

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