To put it lightly, the phrase “fight like a girl” isn’t exactly music to my ears.
But when women take ownership of the saying, re-claim it in a way, that’s a different story. That’s why I was happy to discover the Fight Like a Girl Club. This online platform provides a space for women (and men) fighting cancer and other life-threatening diseases to share experiences and encouragement with others.
I came across Fight Like a Girl through Angela’s story of battling non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).Angela received the diagnosis in 2008. It stunned her. She writes that she didn’t drink heavily, nor did she use drugs. So why was her liver scarring? The doctor told her, as a result, she had also had diabetes, and she’d need a liver transplant.
She began to research. Angela found the various medications she had taken in the past could’ve led to liver damage. She also found instances of liver cancer and diabetes in her family history.
The diagnosis threw Angela’s life and emotions into disarray. She writes of a low point when, two days before her sister’s wedding, she lay in the hospital vomiting blood due to complications from a diabetic drug. Her husband and son worriedly waited.
The post ends on a happier note: Angela became an approved transplant candidate. And she learned something about herself along the way. She learned she could advocate for organ donation.
She wrote:
…I join hands with all those waiting as well and just keep speaking the message of HOPE. I will keep Fighting Like a Girl, with everything within me.
Read more about Angela’s story here. And you can read several other stories from strong women like Angela on the Fight Like a Girl Club website, Facebook, and Twitter pages.
What do you think of the Fight Like a Girl Club? Do you have a fight of your own to share? If so, comment below!