Hannah Hawkins has an autoimmune disorder called transverse myelitis.
She has to go to physical therapy multiple times each week to help her walk. Using a crutch is the norm for Hannah. But that doesn’t stop her from enjoying life and having the same dreams as other kids her age. Like many little girls, Hannah wanted an American Girl Doll that looked just like her for Christmas.
Like many little girls, Hannah wanted an American Girl Doll that looked just like her for Christmas.
However, Santa’s delivery of the gift was a bit more of an adventure. Instead of just the doll under her Christmas tree, Hannah also received from Santa. The letter stated that he contacted EAST students at Buffalo Island Central to create a crutch just like hers for her doll.
Logan Lawrence and Cadyn Qualls were the leaders in the team to design and print the pieces. They used a special program to create it and then it came together using three 3D printers. After, a 3D pen was used to make sure the joints stayed together while Hannah played with the doll. Logan admitted it was not an easy task but it was defiantly worth it.
The crutch looked similar to Hannah’s. In fact, they created multiple crutches to match the dolls different outfits.
Cadyn understands that toy makers sometimes do not represent all girls. So, she was excited to take on the project that would help build Hanna’s confidence level. Hannah’s father, John Hawkins, says this was important to Hannah. It made her feel like it was okay to have transverse myelitis and have a crutch especially since her doll’s crutch matches.
This was a special gift for Hannah and you can tell how much it means to her. She brings the doll with her everywhere, including breakfast and church. Looks like Hannah got just what she wanted from Santa!
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