Has your Child Been Recently Diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome?

What should you know about Tourette syndrome? How can you explain it to your child?
These are probably just a few questions you may have if your child has been recently diagnosed with Tourette’s.
Sometimes, it is hard to explain things to a child in a way that’s fully understandable. We think becoming more educated on Tourette syndrome together, can help.

One important thing to clarify is that Tourette syndrome is a disability. Some things are beyond your son or daughter’s control. As parents and caregivers, ideally we would know the cause of a condition. But with Tourette’s, the cause is still not known.

There will be times where your child will have outbursts, which may be caused by certain triggers. Work with your child to figure out ways to decrease those triggers and source of stress.

Put your child in a comfortable position where they can explain it to others.

It is important that your child has a good support system, including you, family, friends, and teachers. Local support groups can also be beneficial. Your pediatrician or neurologist may also have some resources to help you educate your child on Tourette’s.

 Click here for more tips from a mom whose child was diagnosed with Tourettes.

Do you have any tips for explaining Tourette’s to children? Share your thoughts with us.

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