According to a story from Wave Newspapers, Danielle Guinn, a woman diagnosed with cerebral palsy and epilepsy, is not letting her disability slow her down, and is currently participating in a College to Career program at North Orange County.
Although she is thriving now, Danielle has faced great challenges since her life began. She was born several weeks premature and weighed less than two pounds at birth. Danielle spent the first half year of her life at a hospital. Doctors told her mother Lisa that Danielle would not be able to see, walk, or speak. She also suffers from a mild intellectual disability and was plagued by seizures thanks to her epilepsy.
Nevertheless, she defied the odds.
Cerebral palsy is a disorder affecting movement ability, and although she is able to walk, her mobility and coordination are still limited; she has trouble climbing the steep stairs on public buses, for example. To learn more about cerebral palsy, click here.
From the beginning, Lisa knew that Danielle would need to be cared for closely if she was to have any chance of living a fulfilling life. As a result, she decided to invest a lot of time in raising her daughter. She started by making the tough decision to close a time consuming family business. Lisa became a nurse and worked closely with other patients that had developmental problems in order to understand how to best care for Danielle.
Lisa was soon convinced that public education would not be sufficient for Danielle’s needs, and she chose to enhance her education with home schooling. Her mother also ensured that she had access to the variety of therapies necessary to supplement Danielle’s capabilities. The Regional Center of Orange County has been a major benefit for Danielle and helped her get connected with the College to Career program. In addition, the center funds an education coach that gives Danielle support and helps her with transportation.
Support services are essential for Danielle, who, despite her success, still has major mobility challenges thanks to her cerebral palsy. She needs assistance 24 hours a day with tasks such as getting dressed, cooking, and bathing. Her educational coach also helps her with classes. Despite her disability, Danielle is well on her way to starting a career, and has already earned certifications in Microsoft Office programs. She is a shining example of determination and beating overwhelming odds.