This Company is Getting Behind Two New Von Willebrand Disease Clinical Trials

According to a story from BioPortfolio, the drug company Octapharma USA sponsored the 71st Bleeding Disorder Conference, which is put on by the National Hemophilia Foundation. The company is also implementing two new clinical trial for von Willebrand disease (VWD), which were featured in poster-style presentations at the event. Both trials will feature the company’s drug WILATE as treatments for von Willebrand disease in different patient populations.

About Von Willebrand Disease

Von Willebrand disease (vWD) is a blood clotting disorder and is the most common type of blood clotting disorder that affects people. Although the disorder is typically inherited, it can also be acquired as a complication of other medical problems. It is caused by a deficiency in von Willebrand factor, which is essential for blood platelets to stick to one another and form clots. The type 1 variant is generally mild and may not cause any symptoms. Type 2 causes more significant problems. Interestingly, blood type has a significant influence on the severity and presentation of symptoms, which include frequent nosebleeds, easy bruising, and bleeding from the gums. In the most severe type 3, internal bleeding, such as in the joints, can occur. Treatments to stimulate the release of von Willebrand factor are a common approach. To learn more about von Willebrand disease, click here.

About The Clinical Trials

The first trial will evaluate the effectiveness of WILATE as a prophylactic treatment for von Willebrand disease patients that have been previously treated. The clinical trial will include patients with severe type 1, type 2 (aside from type 2N), and type 3 variants of the illness. Prophylaxis involves the use of a treatment in a preventative fashion to halt symptoms from appearing instead of waiting to treat the symptoms when they manifest.

The second trial will investigate the use of WILATE in patients during childbirth. Bleeding disorders can be a serious concern during childbirth, and the ultimate endpoint measures of this study will include the rate of primary bleeding following delivery, the impact of boosting factor levels to 100-150 percent during delivery, and the impact on factor levels in the first 72 to seven days following delivery. 

The company is currently in the process of locating trial sites for the studies.