Editor’s Choice: Disease has No Age Limit

Happy Thursday, Friends!

It’s getting cold outside! This week we’re highlighting a new patient story from the Czech Republic on a younger patient diagnosed with a disease generally associated with senior demographics. Moving across the globe, we also have an article on a Colombian family who also experiences an early-onset condition. Next, we have an opinion piece from a patient contributor and an article on innovation for patients who have reduced lung function. So sit back and enjoy this week’s editor’s choice.



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“I’m 38. I Can’t Have Parkinson’s:” A Chronic Illness Story From the Czech Republic


Parkinson’s is only for older people, right? Think again– this story from the Czech Republic discusses what happens when it strikes early on in life.
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Why I Don’t Feel Sorry For Children Living With Rare Disease


This might sound surprising, but hear PW Contributor Rebekah out on this one– her opinions are different than what you might think.

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“Smart Shirt” Allows for Convenient Monitoring of Lung Function

It can improve lung function and it’s comfortable.

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This Colombian Family is Playing a Critical Role in Alzheimer’s Disease Research


Why do members of this family keep getting early-onset Alzheimer’s? And what does that mean for Alzheimer’s research as a whole?


Do you have a rare disease experience of your own? Share with us here.

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