According to Newswise; in a new review of studies which looked at 36 studies on the COVID-19 virus found that almost one in five people with COVID-19 only show gastrointestinal symptoms, including lack of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain. This is of note in part because these symptoms are not highly associated with the disease, and it suggests that people should assume caution if they experience any of those ailments. Doctors also caution abdominal radiologists and other specialists to recognize the pandemic encompasses their field too.
The Review Study
The researchers who conducted the review study combed through the massive influx of information gathered by scientists on the COVID-19 virus around the world this past year, with data published by mid-July. They included findings from 36 studies that examined these consequence, and found that out of all cases, 18% of COVID-19 patients reported gastrointestinal symptoms, and 16% presented only those.
Their study illuminated different signs, though rare, that radiologists should flag as potential COVID-19 cases concerning the bowel- including bowel inflammation, excess air, and perforation. According to newswire, radiologist and clinical lecturer at the University of Alberta, Mitch Wilson, said,
“There’s a growing amount of literature showing that abdominal symptomatology is a common presentation for COVID-19,”
He continued by saying that gastrointestinal signs are not necessarily always COVID-19, as they can be the result of a number of potential causes. But because we live in an environment where this virus is very prevalent, doctors have to keep the possibility in mind and raise a concern if they feel they should.
So stay vigilant, stay safe, and stay home if you experience any of these symptoms.