Editor’s Choice: Heart Failure, “Escaping” Teens and more!

You made it! It’s the end of the week and time for yet another Editor’s Choice post.

What do heart failure and narcolepsy have in common? Do you have a teen with a immune deficiency disease?

If you want to know the answer to the first question and if the answer is “yes” to the second, then do we have some articles for you!

Enjoy this week’s Editor’s Choice and let us know what you think in the comments.


This New Finding Spits at the Heart of Heart Failure

Heart failure is estimated to cost the United States approximately $40 billion a year.

Can treatment for both heart failure and narcolepsy evolve with this new discovery?


This Mom’s Narcolepsy Story Will Make You Hold Your Tongue

Ezzie had some bizarre symptoms, from sleep walking to other unconscious activities.

After a long journey, she was finally diagnosed with narcolepsy. But what if you have a bad reaction to treatment? Well, that’s what happened to Ezzie. Find out how she adjusted!

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5 Reasons Why Your Child Needs to Go to the IDF Teen Escape

Does your child have CAPS or another immune deficiency disorder?

If so, get the details for the IDF teen escapes for summer 2016 here!


This Daughter Destroys the Wheelchair Stereotype With Letter to Mom

Dystonia can cause a plethora of debilitating symptoms.

Check out how this woman honors her mother in a beautiful letter.