Editor’s Choice: Shady Stem Cells, Anti-Virals and Young Adults Fighting Cancer

Happy Thursday!

Today, we’re highlighting four articles on rare disease news. First, we have a story on a lawsuit against controversial stem cell treatments. Next, we have an article on how young adults and teenagers are impacted by cancer diagnoses. After that, we have news on a promising antiviral, and a story of a family hoping to find treatment in Australia.



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FDA Wins Major Lawsuit Against Shady Stem Cell “Therapy” Company, U.S. Stem Cell



The stem cell therapies offered by this company are considered dubious and risky– and people are taking action.
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The Impact of Cancer in Teens and Young Adults



Young adulthood is complicated, especially if you’re battling a serious diagnosis. However, for all the pain cancer brings, it helps put life in perspective.

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Novel Finding Could Lead to the Development of a “Resistance-Proof” Antiviral Drug


European researchers have made observations that could change the way we think about antivirals.
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Time is Running Out for Irish Family Facing Deportation Because of Cystic Fibrosis


Many have been advocating for this Irish family in Australia, but the deportation date is drawing near.
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